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Custom 20" Case Neon Clocks

 New Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch caseNew Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch caseNew Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch caseNew Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch caseNew Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch caseNew Retro Custom Neon Clock - 20 inch case


New Retro Dining is proud to sell this Hand-Made One-of-a-kind Custom Made in USA Neon Clock witha 20" case. These clock are true hand-made works-of-art and can be customized using your choice of letters and color combinations.

Features & Options:

New Retro Neon Clock

20" Case.

Clear acrylic cover over dial face.

Quality clock movement provides precise time.

  • 120v Power standard
  • or optional 240v neon transformer and clock movement.           (Add $275.00)

Price, each*:


*Priced using up to 10 letters.
Add $45.00 for each aditional letter required.


Case Dimensions:

20" Diameter

Overall Width: 20" 
Packed Carton: 28" x 28" x 14" 
Packed Weight: 18 Lbs.